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Lambda Extensions

AWS Lambda Extensions are sidecar services that can provide extra capabilities to your functions.

Cargo Lambda can also help you build and deploy Lambda Extensions. If you want to learn how to run extensions locally and connect them to the local runtime, check the watch documentation

Step 1: Create a new project

To start a new extension project, use with new subcommand with the --extension flag:

cargo lambda new --extension extension-project
cargo lambda new --extension extension-project


Add the --logs flag if your extension in a Logs extension, or the --telemetry flag if you want to process Lambda telemetry data.

Step 2: Build your extension

Once you're ready to compile your project, use the build subcommand with the --extension flag:

cargo lambda build --extension
cargo lambda build --extension

Step 3: Deploy your extension

Lambda extensions are deployed as layers for functions to consume. Use the deploy subcommand with the --extension flag to upload the extension layer to AWS. When this command completes, it will print the full ARN to use to attach this extension to a function:

cargo lambda deploy --extension
cargo lambda deploy --extension

Step 4: Associate your extension to a function

If you already have a function project that you want to attach your extension to, you can use the same deploy subcommand to do so. Go to the root directory for your function's project, and add the --layer-arn flag with the extension ARN that the previous command printed in the terminal:

cargo lambda deploy --layer-arn EXTENSION_ARN
cargo lambda deploy --layer-arn EXTENSION_ARN

Released under the MIT License.